Ammar ibn Yasir
His Birth and Upbringing
Ammar ibn Yasir ibn Amir ibn Malik ibn Kinana ibn Qais ibn Al-Husayn ibn Al-Wadheem ibn Thalabah ibn Awf ibn Haritha ibn Amir Al-Akbar was born in Mecca around the year 56 before the Prophet’s migration. His father, Yasir ibn Amir, had come to Mecca with his brothers, Al-Harith and Malik, from Yemen in search of a missing brother.
While his brothers returned, his father stayed in Mecca and formed an alliance with Abu Hudhayfa ibn Al-Mughira ibn Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Makhzum. Abu Hudhayfa then married Yasir to his slave girl, Sumayyah, who bore him Ammar. Abu Hudhayfa freed Ammar, making Ammar an ally of Banu Makhzum.
Ammar's Conversion to Islam
Ammar was among the early converts to Islam, declaring his faith at the house of Al-Arqam after a few dozen men had already embraced Islam. His father, Yasir, his mother, Sumayyah, and his brother, Abdullah, also accepted Islam.
Ammar's Migration
As one of the oppressed in Mecca, Ammar did not have a tribe to protect him. He and his family were tortured to make them renounce their faith. Ammar and his mother, Sumayyah, were among the seven people who declared Islam publicly. Sumayyah became the first martyr in Islam when Abu Jahl insulted her and then killed her by stabbing her with his spear. Ammar was tortured so severely that he did not know what he was saying. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would pass by Ammar and his family while they were being tortured and, unable to alleviate their suffering, he would say to them, "Patience, O family of Yasir, for your appointment is in Paradise".
Due to the intense torture Ammar and his family faced, it is said that Ammar migrated to Abyssinia, although this is a matter of dispute. What is certain is that he migrated to Yathrib (Medina). It is narrated that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) arrived in Yathrib, he did so in the forenoon. Ammar said, "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) must have a place where he can rest in the shade and pray". So Ammar gathered stones and built the Quba Mosque, which became the first mosque ever built. Thus, Ammar was the first to establish a mosque for prayer.
After the Muslims settled in Yathrib following the migration, Ammar attained a high status among them. The Prophet (peace be upon him) loved him dearly and said, "Ammar is filled with faith up to his bones".
When a minor disagreement occurred between Khalid ibn al-Walid and Ammar, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever opposes Ammar, Allah will oppose him; whoever hates Ammar, Allah will hate him". Khalid quickly apologized to Ammar, seeking his forgiveness. The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said, "Paradise longs for three: Ali, Ammar, and Bilal". Ammar witnessed all the battles with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and was present at the pledge of Ridwan.
Ammar's Role in the Islamic State after the Prophet’s Death
After the Prophet's death, Ammar participated in the "Wars of Apostasy" during the caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. He fought valiantly in the Battle of Yamama when the fighting intensified, and his ear was cut off that day, dangling as he continued to fight fiercely.
During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, Umar appointed Ammar as the governor of Kufa in Iraq.
The Death of Ammar
Ammar sided with Ali ibn Abi Talib in his conflict with Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan during the civil strife among Muslims following the assassination of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan. He participated in the Battle of the Camel and the Battle of Siffin, fighting as an elderly man of 93 years.
Ammar ibn Yasir was killed in the Battle of Siffin in Safar of the year 37 AH, while fighting in the ranks of Ali ibn Abi Talib's army.