Umm Habiba

Her Name and Lineage
Umm Habiba was one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, and she was a respected companion and one of the Mothers of the Believers. Her full name was Ramla bint Abi Sufyan, and she belonged to the noble Quraishi lineage of the Umayyad tribe. Her mother was Safiyya bint Abi Al-As, and she was also the step-aunt of Uthman ibn Affan. May Allah be pleased with him. Therefore, Umm Habiba had an esteemed lineage within the Quraish tribe. Her father was Abu Sufyan, who was a prominent leader of the Quraish, and her brother was Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan.
Umm Habiba, may Allah be pleased with her, was married to Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh ibn Riyab al-Asadi before the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. She migrated with him to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), where she gave birth to their daughter Habiba. It is by this daughter's name that she is often referred to as Umm Habiba, which means the mother of Habiba.
Her Conversion to Islam and Emigration
Umm Habiba, may Allah be pleased with her, was among the early converts to Islam, accepting Islam during the early years of the Prophet's mission. She and her husband, Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh, migrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) during the second migration to this land, which took place due to the persecution faced by some of the earliest Muslims in Mecca at the hands of the Quraysh.
According to some narrations, Ubaidullah, the husband of Umm Habiba, embraced Christianity while they were in Abyssinia and renounced Islam. Umm Habiba chose to separate from him, leaving him behind in Abyssinia, and she stayed there with her daughter.
The Story of Her Marriage to the Prophet
After Umm Habiba, may Allah be pleased with her, separated from her husband Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, sent a proposal for marriage to her through an envoy to Najashi (Negus), the ruler of Abyssinia (Ethiopia). When Umm Habiba was informed of this proposal, she entrusted Khalid ibn Sa'id ibn al-As to conduct the marriage on her behalf. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, married Umm Habiba, making her one of his wives. Among his wives, she was not closely related to him by blood.
It is also said that Umm Habiba's marriage to the Prophet, peace be upon him, was one of the furthest in terms of distance and location among all his marriages. The marriage contract took place while she was in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), and the Prophet was in Mecca during the sixth year of his mission. It is worth noting that Umm Habiba received one of the highest dowries among the Prophet's wives, with her dowry reportedly being four hundred gold coins, as mentioned in narrations.
The Story of Her Encounter with Abu Sufyan
Narrations mention an incident involving Umm Habiba, may Allah be pleased with her, and her father, Abu Sufyan. This incident occurred when Abu Sufyan came to the illuminated city of Medina after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. At the time, he was still a polytheist and had come to request an extension of the peace treaty from the Prophet Muhammad; peace be upon him.
Abu Sufyan entered the house of Umm Habiba and intended to sit on a bed that belonged to the Prophet; peace be upon him. However, Umm Habiba moved the bed away from him, preventing him from sitting on it. When Abu Sufyan asked her about this, she explained that she disliked the idea of a disbeliever sitting on the bed of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. This incident reflects the deep devotion and respect that Umm Habiba had for the Prophet Muhammad; peace be upon him, even when dealing with her own father.
Her Passing
It is narrated by Al-Hakim in his book "Al-Mustadrak" that when Umm Habiba, may Allah be pleased with her, was nearing the end of her life, she sent a message to the Mothers of the Believers, Aisha, and Umm Salama, seeking their forgiveness. Al-Hakim also quotes a narration from Awf ibn Al-Harith, who said, "I heard Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, say, 'Umm Habiba, the wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him), called me to her when she was on her deathbed. She said, 'Between us, there used to be the kind of relationship that exists between co-wives. May Allah forgive it all and overlook it. I have forgiven you for all of it.' Aisha responded, 'You have delighted me; may Allah delight you.' She also sent a similar message to Umm Salama".
Umm Habiba, may Allah be pleased with her, passed away during the caliphate of her brother Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan, may Allah be pleased with him. Her death occurred in the year 44 or 42 AH (Hijri calendar) according to different narrations. She passed away in the city of Medina, and she was buried there, may Allah be pleased with her and grant her His mercy.