Safiyya bint Huyayy

Safiyya bint Huyayy's Biography
Stories from the Life of Safiyya bint Huyayy
The Story of Safiyya bint Huyayy's Arrival in Medina
The Story of Safiyya with the Prophet's Marriages
Safiyya's Wish During the Prophet's Illness
The Life of Safiyya bint Huyayy After the Death of the Prophet
Death of Safiyya bint Huyayy
Safiyya bint Huyayy is one of the Mothers of the Believers, honored by marriage to Prophet Muhammad. She descended from the lineage of Harun (peace be upon him) among the Children of Israel. Her mother was Darrat bint Samaw'al from the Banu Qurayza tribe, and her father was Huyayy, the leader of the Jews in Khaybar.
Despite her family's knowledge of the Prophet's prophethood, they didn't believe in him due to his Arab background. Safiyya was previously married to Salam bin Mashkam, then to Kinana bin al-Rabi, a prominent Jewish leader who was killed in the Battle of Khaybar. Later, she married the Prophet, who honored and elevated her status as one of the Mothers of the Believers.
Safiyya bint Huyayy's Biography
Safiyya bint Huyayy, a resident of Khaybar, lived in a Jewish stronghold. After the Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza tribes were exiled there, it became the largest Jewish settlement. Khaybar was known for its agricultural land and formidable fortresses. In the 7th year of Hijra, after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, the Prophet Muhammad led a victorious expedition to Khaybar with 1,400 fighters. After the decisive victory, Dihya al-Kalbi came to the Prophet and asked for a female captive. The Prophet allowed it and chose Safiyya as a captive. Later, he married her and elevated her status. Safiyya, the daughter of Huyayy, was a noblewoman from the Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza tribes. She was given the choice to accept Islam or remain in her faith, and she chose Islam. The Prophet freed her and married her, honoring and dignifying her.
She was about seventeen years old at the time. Their marriage took place between Khaybar and Medina, and a celebration was held in her honor. Upon reaching Medina, the Prophet covered her with his cloak to show her high status as one of the Mothers of the Believers. Safiyya had a peculiar mark on her face, which she mentioned to the Prophet in a dream that foretold her future. The Prophet was pleased with this omen and reassured her. His marriage to Safiyya aimed to honor and appreciate her, as she was the daughter of a respected leader among the Jews. Furthermore, it was an attempt to soften the hearts of the Jewish community toward Islam.
Stories from the Life of Safiyya bint Huyayy
Safiyya bint Huyayy was one of the women known for her beauty, good character, noble lineage, and piety. She was also recognized for her intelligence and clear mind. She narrated ten hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad.
Safiyya's marriage to the Prophet was significant, as she came from a Jewish background, symbolizing unity among different communities. Despite the initial jealousy of other wives, the Prophet treated her with great respect and care.
The Story of Safiyya bint Huyayy's Arrival in Medina
Safiyya's Arrival in Medina When the Prophet Muhammad arrived in Medina with Safiyya bint Huyayy, he accommodated her in the house of the companion Harith bin Nu'man until a house next to the Prophet's mosque was prepared for her, similar to his other wives. The women of the Ansar (Medinan residents) visited Harith's house to ensure Safiyya's acceptance of Islam.
Aisha, one of the Prophet's wives, was among them. When asked for her opinion, Aisha initially thought Safiyya looked like a Jewish woman. However, the Prophet informed her that Safiyya had embraced Islam and had good faith. This incident highlighted Aisha's initial jealousy, but it also demonstrated the Prophet's desire to teach Muslims how to interact with peaceful Jews, emphasizing good treatment unless they acted aggressively.
The Story of Safiyya with the Prophet's Marriages
Safiyya's Role Among the Prophet's Wives Upon Safiyya's arrival in Medina and her life among the Prophet's wives, feelings of jealousy arose among them, as is natural for women. However, the Prophet tried to comfort her and demonstrated his care for her. During one incident, Hafsa, another wife of the Prophet, criticized Safiyya by alluding to her Jewish heritage. This made Safiyya cry, and the Prophet consoled her, reminding her of her noble lineage and faith, and he also advised Hafsa to be cautious with her words. Safiyya held the Prophet in high regard and displayed her respect for him.
In another famous incident during one of the Prophet's expeditions, when Safiyya was riding a camel, and the Prophet wanted to mount it, she declined and placed her knee on the camel's back as a sign of respect and honor. These stories exemplify Safiyya's wisdom, piety, and her special place among the Prophet's wives.
Safiyya's Wish During the Prophet's Illness
During the Prophet Muhammad's illness, which eventually led to his passing, his wives wished to share in his suffering as a sign of their love and devotion. Safiyya also expressed this wish. The Prophet acknowledged their sincerity and agreed that they were telling the truth.
These stories from Safiyya bint Huyayy's life provide insights into her character, her relationship with the Prophet Muhammad, and her role among his wives.
The Life of Safiyya bint Huyayy After the Death of the Prophet
Safiyya bint Huyayy lived during the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs after the passing of the Prophet Muhammad. She remained steadfast in following his teachings. During the time of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, her humility, and demeanor were evident when a maid came to him, claiming that Safiyya had Jewish origins and still held affection for the Jewish Sabbath. She maintained contact with Jews and visited them. Caliph Umar inquired about this matter, and Safiyya's response revealed her strong faith.
She explained that Allah had replaced the Jewish Sabbath with Friday for her, and her connection with the Jews was based on kinship. She reproached the maid for her actions, attributing them to the influence of Satan. As a result, Safiyya freed the maid and made her a free woman. During the caliphate of Uthman and the challenges that arose, Safiyya stood by his side and provided support during difficult times, contributing to the unity of the Muslim community.
Death of Safiyya bint Huyayy
Lady Safiyya bint Huyayy, may Allah be pleased with her, lived in the Prophet's household for three years. During this time, the Prophet treated her with kindness, equality, and love, just as he did with his other wives. The beauty of Safiyya continued to captivate the Prophet's wives, making them realize that she was a significant competitor for the affection of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Narrated by Umm al-Mu'minin Zainab bint Jahsh, may Allah be pleased with her, she once said, "I do not see this young girl except that she will surpass us in the time of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him". However, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was her greatest supporter. He consoled and comforted her. Safiyya bint Huyayy lived through the era of Caliph Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan; may Allah be pleased with him. She passed away in either the fiftieth or fifty-second year of the Hijra.
Throughout her life, Safiyya exemplified the bonds of sisterhood and love with the other wives of the Prophet, as she gifted them jewelry and gold as tokens of affection. She also gave Fatimah al-Zahra a gold earring, which she used to wear. Additionally, Safiyya left a will for Aisha; may Allah be pleased with her, consisting of one thousand dinars. She was buried in al-Baqi, and may Allah be pleased with her.