Usayd ibn Hudayr

Usayd ibn Hudayr
By Who Muhammad Is Team
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He was the esteemed Companion Usayd ibn Hudhayr ibn Simak ibn ‘Atik (may Allah be pleased with him), nicknamed Abu Yahya, Abu ‘Amr, or Abu Hudhayr. He was a leader among his tribe, the Aws, before accepting Islam, having inherited this leadership from his father. He was known for his valor in battle, his clear intellect, his remarkable and strong character, and his keen insight. He embraced Islam early on at the hands of Mus‘ab ibn Umair (may Allah be pleased with him).

When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) migrated to Madinah, he established a bond of brotherhood between Usayd and Zayd ibn Harithah (may Allah be pleased with them). Usayd did not participate in the Battle of Badr, explaining that he had assumed the Muslims were only going out for the caravan, so he did not join them. He would not have stayed behind if he knew it was an actual battle. He did, however, take part in the Battle of Uhud and was wounded there by several thrusts.

Usayd (may Allah be pleased with him) passed away in the year 20 AH. His funeral bier was carried by ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), and he was buried in Al-Baqi‘ Cemetery.

The Virtues of Usayd ibn Hudhayr

There are numerous narrations regarding Usayd’s excellence and esteemed position with the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. On one occasion, the Prophet (peace be upon him) praised him, and Lady Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said about him:

“There are three among the Ansar upon whom no one can surpass in excellence, all of them from the Banu ‘Abd al-Ashhal: Usayd ibn Hudhayr, Sa‘d ibn Mu‘adh, and ‘Abbad ibn Bishr”.

Usayd was also known for his wit and humor. Once, while the Prophet was playfully striking him with a staff as he was aligning the rows, Usayd requested that he be given his due for that gesture. The Prophet granted his request. Usayd then remarked that he was not wearing a shirt, while the Prophet was. In response, the Prophet removed his shirt, after which Usayd approached, kissed him, and said, “This is what I wanted, O Messenger of Allah”.

The Beauty of Usayd’s Recitation and the Prophet’s Praise for Him

It is reported in an authentic hadith, in a rather lengthy narration, that Usayd would begin reciting Surah Al-Baqarah at night while his horse remained nearby. So entranced was the horse by the beauty of his voice that it began to wander around him. Then, when he stopped reciting, the horse ceased its wandering; when he resumed, the horse wandered again, and when he stopped once more, the horse stopped accordingly. His son Yahya was close by, and fearing that the wandering horse might trample him, Usayd paused his recitation.

When morning came, he informed the Prophet (peace be upon him) of what had occurred. The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied:

“These angels have drawn near because of your voice, and if you were to recite further, people would come to gaze upon them—they would not hide themselves from you”.

Thus, the angels were so captivated and impressed by the beauty of his voice and the deep reverence it conveyed that they came close from the earth to listen to Usayd’s recitation (may Allah be pleased with him) as he melodiously chanted the Qur’an at night.

Usayd ibn Hudhayr Martyrdom

Usayd ibn Hudhayr (may Allah be pleased with him) died in the 20th year of the Hijrah (20 AH). Although he had missed the Battle of Badr, believing the Muslims were setting out for the caravan—he later participated in the Battle of Uhud. During that battle, he suffered several stab wounds. After his passing, his funeral bier was carried by Omar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), and he was laid to rest in the cemetery of Al-Baqīʿ.

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