Abu Darda

He is ‘Uwaimr ibn Zaid ibn Qais al-Ansari al-Khazraji, a companion of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). He was the last Ansar to embrace Islam and held a special status and position with the Prophet (peace be upon him) compared to the other companions. It was said about him on the day of Uhud: “What a fine knight ‘Uwaimr is” It was also said about him: “He is the sage of my nation”.
Abu Darda was one of the four who compiled the entire Qur’an during the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) lifetime, and the Messenger had a significant influence in raising Abu Darda, advising him more than once to engage in actions that would benefit him in this world and the Hereafter. Abu Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) was ascetic in his worldly life, a knowledgeable judge, profoundly fearful and respectful of Allah, keen on brotherhood for the sake of Allah, and eager to invite people to Islam.
The Wisdom of Abu Darda
Abu Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) was known for his wisdom. He was always reflective and thoughtful, knowledgeable about religious and worldly matters and wealth. He constantly remembered and glorified Allah without any lapse or weariness and frequently supplicated for his companions. He would prioritize important supplications over others.
One of the most fantastic demonstrations of his wisdom was his habit of reflecting and admonishing himself in battles by mourning the loss of the enemies before rejoicing over victory, and he preferred to remain in worldly life to increase his good deeds and acts of worship that would earn him reward in the Hereafter. Even during his illness, he continued to reflect, admonish, and remind people.
What Was Abu Darda Known For
The companion Abu Darda was known for many qualities, the most important of which are:
His fear and awe:
Abu Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
"Three things make me laugh, and three things make me cry: They make me laugh when I see someone who relies on this world while death is after him, someone who is heedless even though he is not to be overlooked, and someone who laughs heartily without knowing whether he is pleasing Allah or incurring His displeasure. They make me cry when I think of parting from loved ones—Muhammad and his companions, the terror at the approach of death, and standing before Allah, not knowing whether the outcome will be Paradise or Hell".
His abundance of worship:
Abu Darda was known for his frequent acts of worship. He was diligent in fasting and performing night prayers. Evidence of this is found in the hadith of Abu Jahfah from the Prophet (peace be upon him), who said: "Salman al-Farsi said to Abu Rida, 'Verily, your body has a right upon you, your Lord has a right upon you, and your family has a right upon you. So, fast and break your fast, pray, look after your family, and give everyone his due'".
- His vast knowledge.
- His asceticism and piety.
- He spread the Islamic call and was dedicated to it.
The Death of Abu Darda
It is narrated from al-Waqidi that Abu Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) died in the 32nd year after the Hijrah, during the time of Uthman ibn Affan, in Damascus. Other narrations state that he died in the 31st year in the Levant, and it was also said that he died in either the 34th or the 33rd year. The authentic report is that he died during the caliphate of Uthman while he was serving as a judge for Mu'awiya, and his death occurred one year before the martyrdom of Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him).